SWOT Analysis
Analyze company market position and compare it across the industry
Any investment decision is conducted based on a specific analysis called due diligence. The process of due diligence encompasses the use of different approaches that allow analysis and comparison of companies. Thus, the assessment of one company ends up in a multi-layer comparison of tens or even hundreds of companies.
At Deep Knowledge Group, we care about your time and efforts. We understand how time-consuming this process might be and have developed tools to help you in this journey.
Let's see how they really work
First, open your dashboard. Your left tab works as a navigation tool, where you can access the dashboard's pages. Here you will find the Companies, Competitors, and Comparative tabs. Click on tab and request Freemium access!
Let's begin with the Companies tab first.
Left-click on any of the companies' names to access the company's detail view. In this tab, you will find two sub-pages: Main and SWOT analysis.
The Main tab provides you with general information about the company and its comparative analysis, where you can see investors, competitors, and investors of competitors.
You can click on any name on the list to redirect yourself to the given investor or competitor.
The same view can be accessed from the Competitors tab on the left-hand side.
Have questions? Look at our Advanced Companies Search tutorial.
The SWOT analysis tab has one main entity - the SWOT analysis.
We gather 170 market parameters to provide you with the most holistic view of the company. We process this data with our proprietary NLP algorithms and show it in an easy-to-access manner of SWOTS.
Our data includes not only financial information about the company since in many cases it might lead to misrepresentation of the company's actual position. We also look at the company's R&D level, its team members, collaborations, scientific publications, and much more!
While accessing a given SWOT might be easy, it would be nice to have an opportunity to compare multiple SWOTs at a time.
You can easily do this by clicking on the Comparative tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
After that, click add at those companies you want to compare on the left. At the top of the page, you can access Sort By and Gear-like buttons to ease your navigation and sort companies according to the existing filters.
When you are done with choosing companies, just click Compare at the top of the page to access comparison mode.
The Comparative mode consists of two columns. The first one on the left presents general information about the companies. On the right, you can see a SWOTs comparison.
In order to bring to the front a given SWOT or to access details of the company, click on the company's name at the top left of the pop-up.
SWOTs can be of great use for both investors looking for a suitable investment target and companies aiming to analyze their competitors and their own market position.
Sure that proprietary analytics will make more sense? Contact us and we will find the best solution for you!